Born in Mumbai and brought up in Pune, Marina developed her musical talents at the tender age of 10 and, under the mentorship of her guruji Late Sadashiv Paudmalji, nurtured her amazing talent performing with him on stage during her early career. She later toured the world as a lead singer for Melody Makers, on stage alongside India's top Bollywood actors. Marina is considered to be one of UK's most versatile artists specialising in melodies of the yester-year to current Bollywood, bhajans, ghazals, garba and folk.
Marina & Melody Express provide the best musical entertainment for live shows, weddings and private functions. We are renowned for our Mehfil and Ghazal evenings, bhajan sandhya and vibrant Navratri performances.
Do you have a special event or celebration coming up?
Contact us now for how we can make it special!